Students seem to be re-energized after the weekend!  What a great day to dig into our writing & uncovering more solutions to the problems of poverty seen  in Guatemala.

Weekly Homework: 2 hours of reading (1/2 hour per night from Monday - Thursday


Conversation Opportunity:  Your child has spent some time considering what they need and how that compares to the 'wants' that they have in their homes/lives.  Example)  I need food and I get that at home, but I have an IPad, and that is just a 'want' - An IPad does not fit into my basic survival needs.  Go through your child's list of needs vs. wants and talk about whether you agree or disagree with their list.

Goal: Students will choose 2 of their best pieces to publish (these are independently edited).  These pieces will be a reference for what their writing looked like in September and will make an interesting comparison for their June writing.  The purpose is for students to be able to reflect on their growth throughout the year and which lessons have stuck and pushed them as writers.

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    Mrs. Friesen

    Currently Reading:  Patricia McCormik's Never Fall Down, nerdy Science magazines and that stack of books beside my bedside table 

    Likes: herbal tea, dark chocolate, veggie pizza, learning new languages, camping, zip-lining, cooking, photography, hiking and dancing

    Dislikes: 'morning' sickness, getting up before I have to, meatlovers pizza,  doing laundry

    Traveled:  Jamaica, Cuba, Ireland, England, Belgium, Italy, France, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and most recently, Spain

    Next travel wish:  Portugal, Chilli or Peru

    Teaches: 7A Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Guidance, Production INC. and Hunger & Homelessness

    Favourite Quote“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically... Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.”  - Martin Luther King Jr.

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